Big Bang
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world is so beautiful, isn’t it? Have you ever wondered how these all began,
and created? There are so many theories that describe about the beginning of
the universe. The Big Bang theory is
one of them. The Big Bang theory is the principal explanation
about how the universe began. It describes the beginning of the universe, and
its expansion. Yes, the universe is expanding. The Big Bang theory says that the whole universe was in very small
and tiny ball shaped energy. That very small and tiny ball shaped energy was
even smaller than an ATOM.
The history of the Big Bang theory began
with the Big Bang’s development from explanation and theoretical
considerations. Much of the theoretical work in cosmology now involves
extensions and refinements to the basic of Big Bang model. The theory itself
was originally formalized by Belgian Catholic priest, mathematician,
astronomer, and professor of physics Georges Lemaitre in 1920s.
Approximately 13.8 billion years before from today a big bang took
place. BOOM! That very small and tiny ball shaped energy exploded in fractions
of a second and it started to expand, and it’s expanding since today. Nobody
knows why. Huge and enormous clouds were formed. One says that galaxies were born when huge and enormous clouds of gas and
dust collapsed under their own gravitational pull, allowing stars to form. The other, which has gained
strength in recent years, says the young universe contained many small
"lumps" of matter, which clumped together to form galaxies.
Galaxies are very massive, too, so their gravity is very strong.
When you pack them together, the attraction can be so strong that two galaxies
latch on to each other and don't let go. Eventually they combine, forming a
single giant city of stars.
How fast is it expanding?
In 1929, Edwin Hubble,
was able to find out that the universe is expanding. He found that distant galaxies
were all apparently moving away from us. Later, Wendy Freedman, found that the universe
expands at the rate of 72 kilometres/hr.
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