
The Real Color Of Sun.

Is the sun really red, yellow, or orange? If you thought so i am here to break it to you the sun is not actually red, yellow or orange. The sun is white. Why does it appear red, yellow or orange? The sun is all colors mixed together. Rainbows are light from the sun separated into its colors. Each color from the rainbow has a different wavelength, Red is the longest and blue is the shortest.

When we see the sun at sunrise or sunset, when it is low in the sky, it may appear yellow, orange or red. But that's only because its short-wavelength colors (Green,blue, and violet) are scattered out by the earths atmosphere, much like small waves are dispersed by big rocks along the shore. Only the reds, yellows and oranges get through the thick atmosphere to our eyes.

Why are the solar images sometimes green, blue, red, or orange?

All forms of light and energy are part of the same phenomena; The electromagnetic spectrum. Our eyes can only detect a small amount of this energy, that portion we call "Visible Light" Radio waves, X-rays, microwaves, gamma rays, and the rest all have longer or shorter wavelengths than visible light, but otherwise are the same phenomena.

So, Yes the sun is white! Remember this the next time you go outside.

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