Showing posts from 2020

The biggest black hole ever

The biggest black hole ever: Successfully, astronomers have found one of th…

Introducing Black Hole

Black holes  are probably one of the most mysterious objects in the univer…

10 facts about the universe

10 facts about the universe Nothing is in rest In this univ…

The Expanding Universe

The Expanding Universe From, BringMeKnowledge Some physicists and ma…

The Big Bang Theory -BringMeKnowledge

Big Bang From BringMeKnowledge, the best learning site Introduction …

Acceleration due to gravity

Acceleration due to gravity || B ringMeKnowledge ||  Magnitude of gravity …

Free Fall

Man Jumping From A Flying Plane. What would happen if you jumped from a…

Reason of planetary motion -BringMeKnowledge

Have you ever thought why sun rises and sets? Let me tell you a fact, sun ne…

Newton's universal law of gravitation

#Newton's Universal Law Of Gravitation Newton was able to formulate t…

Gravitational Force

Gravitational Force:   Hey there, ever thought what keeps our feet on th…

Size of the universe

The size of the universe is hard to define for some extent. According to t…

The universe

The Universe The universe  or in Latin: universus has all the space and …


Entropy | Exploring entropy Entropy! Entropy! Entropy! What is entropy? …

The Real Color Of Sun.

The Real Color Of Sun. Is the sun really red, yellow, or orange? If you t…

Sunsets On Mars | The Real Truth Behind It

Sunsets on Mars: NASA's Curiosity rover recently sent back the image …

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